Spring Scissor Trolley

These are fully adjustable, weight sensitive, self-levelling,mobile positioners

Self levelling, As the load weight changes, the table either raises or lowers, keeping the top of the load at a convenient height.
Fully adjustable Weight selector pointer travels along weight scale to highlight capacity as knob is turned.
Product Code Product Name Load Capacity (kg)Platform Size (mm) Price
5401007 Spring Scissor Trolley 100  700 x 450 
5401008 Spring Scissor Trolley 210  813 x 500 
5401009 Spring Scissor Trolley 400  1010 x 518 


Product Code 5401007 5401008 5401009
Product Name Spring Scissor Trolley Spring Scissor Trolley Spring Scissor Trolley
Load Capacity (kg) 100 210 400
Platform Size (mm) 700 x 450 813 x 500 1010 x 518


Product Code 5401007 5401008 5401009
Product Name Spring Scissor Trolley Spring Scissor Trolley Spring Scissor Trolley
Load Capacity (kg) 100 210 400
Platform Size (mm) 700 x 450 813 x 500 1010 x 518

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