WFL Forklift Tipping Bins

The tipping action of a WFL Tipping Bin is operated by a release mechanism that is activated by the forklift operator pulling a pull cord from the driver’s seat.  A shock absorber prevents impact forces being transmitted to the forklift during emptying.  WFL bins are manufactured from 3mm plate and features reinforced edging, crane lifting and upending lugs, a removable drain plug and a galvanised finish.  An optional wheel kit is available and an optional lid.

Safe Working Load (kg): 1500
Fork Pocket Size (mm): 185 x 70
Product Code Product Name External Dimensions (mm)Fork Pocket Centre (mm)Net Weight (kg) Price
3001480 WFL Forklift Tipping Bin 0.35cu/m 1807L x 740W x 555H (excl. lugs)  310  140 
3001481 WFL Forklift Tipping Bin 0.59cu/m 1807L x 1150W x 555H (excl. lugs)  695  165 
3001482 WFL Forklift Tipping Bin 0.68cu/m 1807L x 740W x 905H (excl. lugs)  310  180 
3001483 WFL Forklift Tipping Bin 1.1cu/m 1807L x 1150W x 905H (excl. lugs)  695  215 
3001484 WFL Forklift Tipping Bin 2.1cu/m 1807L x 1986W x 905H (excl. lugs)  695  275 


Product Code 3001480 3001481 3001482 3001483 3001484
Product Name WFL Forklift Tipping Bin 0.35cu/m WFL Forklift Tipping Bin 0.59cu/m WFL Forklift Tipping Bin 0.68cu/m WFL Forklift Tipping Bin 1.1cu/m WFL Forklift Tipping Bin 2.1cu/m
External Dimensions (mm) 1807L x 740W x 555H (excl. lugs) 1807L x 1150W x 555H (excl. lugs) 1807L x 740W x 905H (excl. lugs) 1807L x 1150W x 905H (excl. lugs) 1807L x 1986W x 905H (excl. lugs)
Fork Pocket Centre (mm) 310 695 310 695 695
Net Weight (kg) 140 165 180 215 275


Product Code 3001480 3001481 3001482 3001483 3001484
Product Name WFL Forklift Tipping Bin 0.35cu/m WFL Forklift Tipping Bin 0.59cu/m WFL Forklift Tipping Bin 0.68cu/m WFL Forklift Tipping Bin 1.1cu/m WFL Forklift Tipping Bin 2.1cu/m
External Dimensions (mm) 1807L x 740W x 555H (excl. lugs) 1807L x 1150W x 555H (excl. lugs) 1807L x 740W x 905H (excl. lugs) 1807L x 1150W x 905H (excl. lugs) 1807L x 1986W x 905H (excl. lugs)
Fork Pocket Centre (mm) 310 695 310 695 695
Net Weight (kg) 140 165 180 215 275

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