Foam Filled Column Protector

Column Cushion helps prevent damage to structural columns by surrounding them with a foam-filled polyethylene cushion. The two blow-moulded hard shells can be installed in seconds without the need for any tools, and removed at any time for cleaning or maintenance. 
Available in a range of standard sizes that fit most square or round columns. U.V. stabilised, chemical resistant and con-conductive.
Absorbs impacts by surrounding your columns with a foam-filled polyethylene cushion.
Simple one person installation, no tools
Chemical resistant, non-conductive and waterproof.
Solid colour Yellow
Product Code Product Name External Dimensions (mm)Height (mm)Internal Dimensions (mm) Price
1881770 Foam Filled Column Protector 350 Diameter  900  100 x 100 
1881769 Foam Filled Column Protector 350 Diameter  900  150 x 150 
1881768 Foam Filled Column Protector 610 Diameter  900  200 x 200 
1881750 Foam Filled Column Protector 610 Diameter  900  250 x 250 
1881771 Foam Filled Column Protector 610 Diameter  900  300 x 300 
1881772 Foam Filled Column Protector 870 Diameter  900  350 x 350 
1881773 Foam Filled Column Protector 870 Diameter  900  400 x 400 
1881774 Foam Filled Column Protector 870 Diameter  900  450 x 450 


Product Code 1881770 1881769 1881768 1881750 1881771 1881772 1881773 1881774
Product Name Foam Filled Column Protector Foam Filled Column Protector Foam Filled Column Protector Foam Filled Column Protector Foam Filled Column Protector Foam Filled Column Protector Foam Filled Column Protector Foam Filled Column Protector
External Dimensions (mm) 350 Diameter 350 Diameter 610 Diameter 610 Diameter 610 Diameter 870 Diameter 870 Diameter 870 Diameter
Height (mm) 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900
Internal Dimensions (mm) 100 x 100 150 x 150 200 x 200 250 x 250 300 x 300 350 x 350 400 x 400 450 x 450


Product Code 1881770 1881769 1881768 1881750 1881771 1881772 1881773 1881774
Product Name Foam Filled Column Protector Foam Filled Column Protector Foam Filled Column Protector Foam Filled Column Protector Foam Filled Column Protector Foam Filled Column Protector Foam Filled Column Protector Foam Filled Column Protector
External Dimensions (mm) 350 Diameter 350 Diameter 610 Diameter 610 Diameter 610 Diameter 870 Diameter 870 Diameter 870 Diameter
Height (mm) 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900
Internal Dimensions (mm) 100 x 100 150 x 150 200 x 200 250 x 250 300 x 300 350 x 350 400 x 400 450 x 450

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