
Movexx Automated Guided Vehicle – AGV1000

Code: 5571366

The AGV1000 is a mid-end, automatically guided vehicle, capable of following an optic route completely autonomously. The electric tug can automatically couple and decouple trolleys with two castors and two fixed castors, and is mostly used in an industrial production environment and the physical distribution logistics. The AGV1000 is also capable of navigating various complex routes with switches and requires minimum maintenance. It is equipped with the function to read RFID tags, and is able to drive variable speeds up to 4.7 km/h.

Power300 W, 24 VDC, 100 rpm
Maximum pulling force     Up to 1000 kg.
BatteryExchangeable battery, 24 V, 36 Ah Lithium
Maximum speedStepless to 4,7 km/h
TiresFull rubber ø250×80
Weight150 kg
FrameSteel, powder coated
Width505 mm
Length1051 mm


Product Code 5571366
Product Name Movexx Automated Guided Vehicle – AGV1000
Capacity (kg) 1000
Length (mm) 1051
Power Source Exchangeable battery, 24 V, 36 Ah Lithium
Speed (kph) 4.7 km/h
Weight (kg) 150
Width (mm) 505


Product Code 5571366
Product Name Movexx Automated Guided Vehicle – AGV1000
Capacity (kg) 1000
Length (mm) 1051
Power Source Exchangeable battery, 24 V, 36 Ah Lithium
Speed (kph) 4.7 km/h
Weight (kg) 150
Width (mm) 505

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