Maxitip Bin Tipper – 1200mm Tip

The all new and innovative Maxitip bin tipper from Sitecraft empties large capacity waste bins easily and effortlessly with the simple push of a button. The Maxitip can empty 80,120,240, 660 and 1100 litre bins quickly and efficiently.

Bins are raised vertically, then gently rolled forward to empty the contents of the bin. This design requires less space and is safer and more efficient than tippers that rotate the bin around a fixed pivot point.

The electro-hydraulic tipping mechanism allows a single operator to quickly and effortlessly empty a wide range of waste and rubbish bins. The Maxitip is simple to use, the waste bin is wheeled onto the tipping cradle and the safety door closed to allow operation. Push-button control allows the operator to raise, tip and lower bin back to ground level.

The Maxitip bin tipper/lifter is available in battery, single-phase or three-phase operation. For maximum manoeuvrability, the Maxitip bin lifter has 200mm diameter, resilient rubber wheels with ball bearings for ease of moving. Fork tyne pockets allow safe and easy movement by forklift.

Fork Pockets
Dual Handed Operation
Tipping Cradle suits 240, 660 & 1100 litre mobile wheelie bins
2 x Fixed - 2 x Swivel Braked
Product Code Product Name Capacity (kg)Castor Size (mm)Height (mm)Length (mm)Power SourceTipping Height (mm) Price
69121050 1200mm - Battery Powered 600  200  2390  1860  Battery Powered  1200 
69121050.1 1200mm - Single Phase Powered 600  200  2390  1860  Single phase  1200 
69121050.3 1200mm - 3 Phase Powered 600  200  2390  1860  3 Phase Powered  1200 

Power Options

The Maxitip is available with either battery-electric, single phase or 3 phase power sources, battery electric operation is the most popular option due to its flexibility and versatility. The battery-electric model can be fitted with solar power charging as an option.


Product Code 69121050 69121050.1 69121050.3
Product Name 1200mm – Battery Powered 1200mm – Single Phase Powered 1200mm – 3 Phase Powered
Capacity (kg) 600 600 600
Castor Size (mm) 200 200 200
Height (mm) 2390 2390 2390
Length (mm) 1860 1860 1860
Power Source Battery Powered Single phase 3 Phase Powered
Tipping Height (mm) 1200 1200 1200


Product Code 69121050 69121050.1 69121050.3
Product Name 1200mm – Battery Powered 1200mm – Single Phase Powered 1200mm – 3 Phase Powered
Capacity (kg) 600 600 600
Castor Size (mm) 200 200 200
Height (mm) 2390 2390 2390
Length (mm) 1860 1860 1860
Power Source Battery Powered Single phase 3 Phase Powered
Tipping Height (mm) 1200 1200 1200

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