Forklift Drum Lifter – Electric/Hydraulic Grab and Rotate

Code: 3001035

The Electric/Hydraulic Drum Rotator is a heavy-duty 205 litre Drum Lifter with hydraulic grab/rotation ability. The battery/electric Hydraulic Power Pack (HPP) eliminates the need to connect to the Forklift’s hydraulic system. This self contained unit includes a 12 volt hydraulic pump, 105ah industrial battery and pulse battery charger. Operation of the HPP is by push button crane pendant connected to a 4 metre control cable allowing the Forklift operator to work the attachment from the drivers seat. This lifter is able to pick a single drum from a pallet of 4 without disturbing the other 3 drums. The standard finish is painted enamel.

Safe Working Load (SWL): 1000kg
Unit Weight: 295kg
130° Rotation
Load Centre: 1307.5mm
Pocket Size: 185 x 65mm
Pocket Centres: 874mm
Horizontal Centre of Gravity: 410mm


Product Code 3001035
Product Name Type DG-B/HPP Drum Lifter
Fork Pocket Size (mm) 185 x 65
Load Centre Distance (mm) 1307.5
Pocket Centres (mm) 874
Safe Working Load (Kg) 1000
Weight (kg) 295


Product Code 3001035
Product Name Type DG-B/HPP Drum Lifter
Fork Pocket Size (mm) 185 x 65
Load Centre Distance (mm) 1307.5
Pocket Centres (mm) 874
Safe Working Load (Kg) 1000
Weight (kg) 295

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