Developing a custom tow tug for the Melbourne CBD

Developing a custom tow tug for the Melbourne CBD

Client Profile

Melbourne City Council

The local government authority for central Melbourne and the surrounding suburbs

Sitecraft Solution

The collection system using Sitecraft’s tow tug enables us to install shared waste and recycling facilities in more laneways across the city. This contributes to less bins in public, less noise from waste vehicles and improved recycling. We are also excited that the tow tug is fully electric.

Mark Bremner

Melbourne City Council

Melbourne is a city known for its cobblestone laneways and urban appeal. From the art in Hosier Lane to bustling Degraves St – some are verified lifestyle attractions.

But, with hundreds of laneways throughout the CBD; many still serve their original purpose as access points for essential services.

It’s these laneways where you’ll find a large number of wheelie bins provided for business use. As their waste needs grew, so too did the number of bins – leading to less space, a lack of cleanliness and issues with graffiti and vandalism.

In an effort to clean up the city, the City of Melbourne’s garbage compactor and recycling hub program included installation of a new mini garbage compactor. While the compactor can fit even the smallest of Melbourne’s lanes, the extraction equipment was a different story.

Sitecraft were contracted by City of Melbourne alongside their service provider, Citywide, and co-designer, WasTech, to supply a custom towing solution that helps retrieve the compactor with ease.

Leading the design for a custom solution

Our project brief was to supply a fully-electric tow tug that could move a 3-tonne compactor from a laneway while manoeuvring tight turns, cobblestones and sometimes steep inclines.

Most compactors are compatible with a standard tow tug, however this requires free-moving wheels. As this unit would be in areas accessible by the general public – safety was a top priority.

Our team provided expert advice to help solve this challenge while also ensuring both ease of operation and public safety. Through a simple design change, we incorporated features that ensured the compactor would stay locked in place.

“What sets Sitecraft apart is that we work on solutions, not products,” explains Seth Mander, Category Lead for Tugs & Powered Vehicles.

While the new design improved safety, it would require a custom hitching system from our tow tug.

“We customised a heavy-duty tow tug to have both lifting and pulling capabilities. It was designed to lift one end of the compactor and pull it out of the laneway onto the back of a hooklift truck,” explains Seth.

At Sitecraft, we regularly engage with our partners in the creative design process – combining expertise and innovation to create fit-for-purpose equipment.

Quality materials and all-weather protection

Quality materials and all-weather protection

Ongoing communication key to successful outcomes

The mini garbage compactor is a huge success – helping to minimise bins, improve amenity and increase aesthetic appeal with a commissioned artwork.

With the tow tug allowing retrieval from tight spots and safely around people, the compactor has been installed in a Melbourne CBD laneway.

Working closely with the City of Melbourne and their partners was essential to achieving success, as Seth explains:

“The communication from all our partners on this project was great. When you have responsiveness from your customer, it’s easy to respond back in the same manner.”

Develop your solution with Sitecraft

Sitecraft have been a leading supplier of Materials Handling Equipment for more than 25 years – building a reputation for reliable equipment and innovative ideas.

From initial concepts through to supply and implementation, we provide every customer with complete turnkey solutions. To start your project, call our team on 1300 363 152 or submit your enquiry on the website.